Gus Garcia M.S. Parent Engagement Policy

Participacion de los padres

Escuela Secundaria Gus Garcia

Gus Garcia

Gus Garcia Middle School

Edgewood Independent School District

3306 Ruiz St.

San Antonio, TX 78228


GGMS Parent Family Engagement Policy

GGMS Parent Family Engagement Policy-Spanish

Es proposito de nuestra escuela trabajar en estrecha colaboracion con los padres de alumnus y las organizaciones del area para ofrecer la major education possible a los ninos.

Los padres constituyen la base de la educacion de los hijos, antes que los maestros y la escuela misma. Nestro objetivo final es fortalecer la participacion de los padres en el proceso educativo implementado las siguientes medidas:


  • Fomentar la participacion de los padres.

  • Invitar a los padres a participar como voluntaries en las diversas actividades escolares.

  • Animar a los padres a dar su opinion sobre las decisions del Distrito.

  • Tratar a los padres como colaboradores en el proceso educativo de los ninos y en la formacion de su confucta como alumnus.

  • Reconocer su responsabilidad en la creacioin de un clima de trabajo adecuado en la escuela.

  • Mantener una comunicacion constant con los padres para informales sobre el progreso de sus hijos.

  • Crear una commission de padres de Distrito, maestros y personal administrative para supervisor las formas de participacion de los padres.

  • Invitar a los padres a participar en las actividades y organizaciones escolares, como cursos de formacion, reunions de PFAC, de la PTA, ayudando a los maestros en el aula, etc.

  • Ayudar a los padres en el aspect personal y su formacion continua.

  • La junta directive del Distrito de Edgewood trabajara para facilitar la participacion de los padres y buscara nuevas formas de llevar a cabo esta tarea. La colaboracion entre escuela y padres se realiza con la contribucion active de ambas partes en la educacion de los hijos.

    Parent and Family Engagement Policy

    Gus Garcia

    Gus Garcia Middle School

    Edgewood Independent School District

    3306 Ruiz St.

    San Antonio, TX 78228


    It is the goal of the Parent and Family Engagement Program in Edgewood ISD to transform the lives of our students by creating meaningful partnerships with parents and organizations to support our work with students.

    Parents are an essential resource in the learning process of their children. The child's first and most important teacher is the parent. The intent of these goals is to result in a more efficient, consistent and effective program as well as generating new ways of strengthening the Parent and Family Engagement Partnership.


    The partnership between home and school will be supported by:

  • The school staff will actively express and promote the importance of partnerships with all families.

  • The school encourages volunteer participation from parents, families and the community.

  • Parents and families are encouraged, both formally and informally, to comment on school policies and to share in decision-making.

  • Parents are to be treated as collaborators in the educational process, along with playing a strong role in their child's academic learning and behavior.

  • Recognizing its responsibility to unite a partnership with all families in having an open, friendly and helpful school climate.

  • Communicating with parents and families frequently, about policies, or their child's progress.

  • A district-wide committee of parents, teachers, and administrators to guide overall program efforts and serve as a home-school partnership network.

  • To help parents gain the confidence to support their children's learning at home and school by being involved in activities e.g. Parent meetings/trainings, PFAC meetings, PTA, classroom assistance, mentoring, etc.

  • To support parents in their own continuing education and personal support.

  • Edgewood ISD and its School Board will provide leadership in the development of clear avenues for parental involvement. Full realization of the partnership will be achieved through the on-going commitment and active participation by both home and school.